An Official Publication of Indian Association of Clinical Psychologists
Journal ISSN No. 0303-2582 (Print)
Journal ISSN No. 2249-7889 (Online)
NLM Catalog 0430273
RNI 26039/74
IJCP welcomes the submission of manuscript in all areas of treatment, prevention and promotion of mental health especially on issues that appeal to clinicians, researchers, academicians and practitioners in the feld of mental health. This journal publishes Research / Original Articles, Review Articles, Brief Communications, Case Reports, Letter to Editor, Book Reviews and News about conferences etc. Manuscript must be prepared in IJCP format outlined below. Before submission of a manuscript to IJCP it is mandatory that all authors have read the manuscript and owe the responsibility. The research that is reported in IJCP must be conducted after the approval of ethical committee and information regarding the same should be furnished in the method section. In general, at least ffty percent of the author should be member of IACP (any category).
Publication Policy.
The IJCP policy advice the author of manuscript not to submit the same manuscript in two or more journals for concurrent consideration and the same must be stated in cover letter. IJCP requires the author to reveal any possible confict of interest in the conduct and reporting of the study. They should also describe their role and participation in designing the study; data collection; analysis; interpretation of data; writing of report and / or in decision to submit the report for publication. Acknowledgement must be furnished in condition of participation in the study in any form or if the material (picture, tables or any other data, with permission) has been taken from any other place/source and is part of the study/ manuscript. Ethical standards must be followed in the treatment of their sample, human or animals, or to describe details of treatment and research must be approved from ethical committee. Approval letter should be submitted to editor,
IJCP (for ethical principles one can visit IJCP requires from Author/ Authors to transfer copyright to IJCP for accepted manuscript before publication.
Guidelines for Manuscript Preparation
Length and style of Manuscript
Full length manuscript length [in MS Word Only] should not exceed more than 5000 words tentatively 15 typed pages total (including cover page, abstract, text, references, tables, and fgures), with appropriate margins (at least 1 inch) on all sides and a standard font (e.g. Times New Roman) of 12 points ( not smaller). The entire manuscript (text, references, tables etc) must be double spaced. The manuscript should conform the Horward style. The text of observational and experimental study should be divided into following sections: Title of the Paper, Name of the Author (s), Abstract, Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion and References. Manuscript should be prepared in following format:
Cover Page / Title Page (Page 1) should consist Title of the Article, name of the author (s) / corresponding author (s), institutional affiliation, telephone / mobile number, e mail addresses. It should also consist the source of support, if any, received in any form (grant, equipment, drugs etc.) and word count, number of tables, fgures used in the article.
Conflict of Interest:
Authors are required to complete a declaration of competing interest on their cover letter or on separate page. They should also describe their role and participation in designing the study; data collection; analysis; interpretation of data; writing of report and / or in decision to submit the report for publication.
Acknowledge to them who have been involved / contributed substantially in conception, design, data collection, interpretation of data or any other significant contribution in study.
Page 2 should consist only title of the study abstract and key words (up to 6 key words).
Abstract up to 250 words should be given on page 2 of the manuscript and must include: Aims / Objectives: A brief about the purpose of the study. Method: description of the data (e.g. N, age, sex, SES. etc) briefly procedure, tools used, statistical procedure, etc. and Results. Abstract must communicate the glimpse of the study.
Key Words
After the abstract, authors should provide key word (5-6 in numbers) which mainly deals with the study.
Page 3 should contain the actual article beginning with title, introduction and ending with references.
Provide a context for the study. Focus on the theoretical origin of the problem and its nature and significance in present scenario. Also deals with existing knowledge of present day.
Includes Aims/Objectives, Hypothesis, source of population and selection criteria, participants, tools and techniques used. This section of each empirical report must contain the description of participants, detail description of measure used for study and statistical procedure applied. Statistical procedure should be described with enough detail by emphasizing the procedure used for processing the data including software package and its version. Statistical reporting must convey clinical significance. Author should report descriptive statistics for all continuous study variable and effect sizes for the primary study findings. Authors submitting review articles should describe the method used for locating, selecting, extracting and synthesizing data.
After processing the data, obtained values to be presented in table/graphic form or in illustrations. This should include the demographic correlates and study variables.
This section should focus on the discussion of the findings in the light of currently available literature whether supporting the results or contradictory. Findings to be concluded and limitation, implication of the findings on current clinical or academic set up and future direction should also be delineated clearly.
References should be listed in alphabetical order as per guideline delineated in APA Manual. Each reference presented in reference list must appear in the text and references cited in text must be present in reference section. Some examples for citation of references are as under.
Article from Journal
Singh., R. S., & Oberhummer, I. (1980). Behaviour therapy within a setting of karma yoga. Journal of Behaviour Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry,11, 135-141
Journal Article in Press
Kharitonov, S. A., & Barnes, P. J. (in Press), Behavioural and social adjustment. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
Conference Proceedings Published
Jones, X. (1996). Prevalence of Mental & Behavioural disorder. In Proceedings of the First National Conference of World Psychiatry Association, 27-30 June; Baltimore. Edited by Smith Y. Sumeham: Butter \vorth-Heinemann; pp. 16-27.
Book Chapter or Article in Edited Books
Singh, A K., Mishra, R S., & Banerjee, S (2012). Pattern of perception of mental illness in North America and Central India : A cross cultural study. In Hutton, J., Devika, N., Mohd, S H., & Robert, L S. Perception of Mental Illness Across the Globe. (Pp 456-479), Print Vision Press, India.
Entire Issue or Special Section of Journal
Ponder, B., Johnston, S., & Chodosh, L. (Eds.) (2006). Innovative oncology. In Breast Cancer Research, 10, 1-72.
Whole Conference Proceedings
Smith, Y. (Ed) (1996). Proceedings of the First National Conference of World Psychiatry Association, 27-30 June : Baltimore. Edited by Stoneham : Butterworth-Heinemann. Pp 16-27.
Complete Book
Margulis, L. (2005) Cognitive Sciences. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Monograph or Book in a Series
Gupta, S.C., & Sethi B.B. (1987). Psychiatric Morbidity in Uttar Pradesh. Monograph of Culture & Society, 10 (1, Serial No. – 25).
Technical & Research Reports
Shankar, M., Dutta, K., & Tiwari, A. K. (1995). Mental Health in Schools (DGHS Publication No. 10, 2), Delhi. Govt. Printing Press.
Ph. D. Thesis
Kohavi, R. (1995). Psychosocial function in diabetics, Ph.D. thesis. All India Institute of Medical Sciences. New Delhi.
Morse, S.S. (1995). Factors in the emergence of infectious diseases. F merg Infect Dis [serial on the Internet] Jan-Mar [cited 1996 Jun 5); 1(1). Available from: URL:
Table should be clearly prepared and double space typed with proper margin, presented on separate sheet. All table should be numbered and the same must appear in text (e. g. table number …. to be inserted here). Each Table must carry brief title. Avoid long and multiple box / table. Sample is as under :